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Turning tragedy into laughter through comics.

About the Store

The year 2020 was a year marked by tragedies at all levels: close people have left us, Beirut was destroyed before our eyes, the pandemic has ravaged our lives and the economic situation has propelled the country to the bottom of an abyss whose bottom we can no longer see. Personally, my first reaction during this confinement was to grab the iPad and create comics covering the stories and anecdotes of two people who left their mark in my life, a mark of laughter and happiness; Joseph and Amine, my father and my father-in-law to whom I owe the creation of this series of comic strips entitled “Funny Lebanese”. The first volume "Jeddos" was launched in French edition at the beginning of 2021, followed by "Wled" at the end of 2022, and "Bouta" at the end of 2024.

Meet The Founders


Walid Kanaan

Walo began his artistic journey as a comic book creator in the early 90s, when he published for Hazar magazine different characters he had successfully created, such as "the new Sinbad". Later, he published his first comic album entitled "The Treasure of the Emirs" followed by his own comic satire magazine "Zerooo" created in 2000. Despite its overwhelming success in Lebanon as well as throughout the region, the publication of " Zerooo" was suspended when Walo decided to devote himself to his career in advertising. In 2020, he resumed the creation of comic strips by launching 3 albums under the “Drooles de Libanais” series which will appear between 2021 and 2024.

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